Thursday 3 September 2015

Bad Support: Scientific ignorance, Bullying and something Batteriser should open their eyes to!

So Dave Jones on the +EEVblog  released another video blog about batteriser. This time on about how somebody, assumed to be affiliated with +Batteriser Batteroo , got a company in Vietnam to dislike his videos debunking the batteriser product.

He also mentions that other bloggers who posted the same conclusions were also under the same attack. This can be shown in their video analytics.

That is pathetic behaviour. what kind of person PAYS to discredit somebody? Seriously are you that desperate for a product that you’d pay somebody else to dislike them? It boggles the mind what frame of mind said person is in!

Now pathetic behavior like this can be laughed off, but when said person (and I say person cos this has gone beyond the action of a troll, and probably somebody who's deluded, even trolls are sane), starts attacking the person doing the debunking on a personal level, behind anonimity…...I’m talking about the hurtful threatening language by a one David Parish and the supposed harassment of a young 13 yo blogger: +Arlen Moulton2  (his channel), by trolls of batteriser.

<deep breath>

Now before I start, this is not a game of throwing names, to be professional, you must hold your tongue sometimes, and if you must vent: refrain from insults, bad language and personal attacks.

Dave: I really don’t know how you take these insults, especially when they bring your family into it. You have my support! And to Arlen, keep at it dude, you have the support of me and others.

Back to +BatteriserOfficial . I don’t mind you selling your half baked idea, hell you could become like this guy: 

This is Gary Bolton: he sold those fake bomb detectors to governments all round the world - guess from this mugshot you can tell where he is now? He peddled a product that was not fit for purpose (admittedly, knowingly), duped governments (who should have really know better), with total disregard for the safety of millitary personnel, police and security men and women! (story on the BBC)

Now think about it: +BatteriserOfficial  are selling a product that from what the science says, is unfit for purpose…let me paint you a picture...

Take this scenario: Say somebody buys your product so they can, I dunno, use a torch for an emergency kit on a trip to a remote place. Emergency happens and they think the torch is good for “800%” longer. Time passes, the torch gets dimmer earlier than that person expects, they forgot to pack spares (why would they - these batteries are good for 8x longer right?).

Now its getting dark, with no other way to signal or see where they are going? They stumble through the dark, trip down a hole or ditch, fracture their leg, its getting cold, they're bleeding their fate sealed or will somebody find them?

What the hell are you going to say to that person (or worse their family) when they come to you and say “My torch should have been good for 800% longer! I've busted my leg up and can't work! I'll loose my job and house!” or "My loved one put faith in your product and it let them down - despite thousands of people telling you your designing it wrong?! And now they're gone!" 

Let’s face it not everybody is an EE, so lay folks are going to make this mistake of believing your ludicrous claims! None technical or folk not interested in electronics don't want to hear about Amp-Hours, and voltages and currents - they just want a product that works!

So what’s your response?: "Sorry you  were in a life or death situation / lost your loved one, erm, would you like your money back?"

As with Gary Bolton, you may find yourself in front of a judge! The prosecution could have a case.

Going back to the insults From +Batteriser Batteroo  - how old are you? And do you really think your petty name calling is going to promote the company your following? Pretty damaging in my view. An  all behind a mask of a Channel and alias’s - tut tut - shame on you, least some of us have the good grace to put a face to our claims and voices.

I’m going to leave you with this thought +Batteriser Batteroo - when that person who has put faith in the claims your supporting and an angry customer does come knocking demanding a refund - and the next, and the next and the next, then a court summons appears through the door of Mr Roohparvar, will you be standing in the docks at his trail in support or will you be behind your computer, still slagging off the rest of the world?


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