Sunday 5 June 2016

DSO138 Scope Stand

So awhile back I bought a DSO138 scope- yep those cheapo DSO kits you can get off eBay or Amazon or Banggood.

Its basic, very slow and buggy: I managed to make the 0V marker offset itself some how, but with a firmware upgrade, this might clear this. But it at least it has storage capability and can measure REALLY slow signals, to the point of it being a data logger, which is really what I was after! Soldering it up keeps you out of trouble for a few hours!

After Building it up and testing it, I thought I'd best put a case round it, or at least to stop the bare PCB touching the work bench.

Now before I spent a few hours trying to design my own, a quick google search found a fella by the name of +Igor Kromin, who had already done a pretty good one on his laser cutter.

I modified his design to include a couple of angles so it can be placed on the bench at 45degrees, so your not having to peer over it. You can download the .dxf's here:

So after carefully choosing so offcuts of 3mm perspex and getting the shapes cut off on works laser cutter...
I screwed the board to the base and sandwiched the scope between the clear piece. Screwing it down caused the clear piece to bend, not ideal.
So I found some nylon standoff's, which were a bit too long so had to file them down so that they just stood the clear piece just enough to just touch the LCD on the scope.

 The PCB did need standing off the back piece, so that was taken care of using some M3 plain washers. The whole thing was bolted together using some long hex socket head bolts, some flat washers, spring washer and nut.
I then stuck the angle pieces on with some Araldite. I much prefer Araldite over super glue in this application as it has more give and is less brittle.
After a few minutes the glue had hardened and the stand was finished

Looked pretty good, the angle was just right. Now it'd be good if I didn't have to connect power to it...maybe make it battery powered?

Anyway, that's another project.

Take it easy folks, catch you later!

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