Wednesday 12 August 2015

Batteriser - most dangerous thing to education since Michael Gove!

I've just recently Seen Dave Jones on the +EEVblog post yet another video about the +BatteriserOfficial.
Now in it he, yet again, demonstrates in plain English and perfect clarity, logical and scientific reason why the video response to his original debunking, is utter twaddle!

OK so the video's aren't submitted by the Batteriser company itself, but the +Batteriser Batteroo channel (fan based).

Now I really don't understand Batteriser is trying to achieve here! In the video above they clearly show EXACTLY what they are doing wrong which is measuring the battery voltage OPEN CIRCUIT!

NO NO NO NO NO! That's not how you measure battery performance!

In an identical video to the one above, the description reads: "This video by the professors of electrical engineering.."

And which professors would these be? Cos I can show this video to about 5 Professors at where I work and they will put this product down so hard you'd need the council to come fix the pavement!

I don't mind you trying to flog the product, that's fine, but what I don't like is the fact your peddling utter bullshit and potentially warping the minds of future engineers and scientist!

I know its probably not the company itself as they have yielded to some flaws in forms of responses on their website - - but I'd definitely try and get your fan based to STFU. Especially the clearly know nothing about electronics!

Maybe if they spent like 30mins reading about the basics of batteries, then maybe they'd know what the hell they were talking about!

So anybody out there think this is a product you'd want to by - bear in mind your funding people who could be potentially damaging education and peddle cods-wallop and in return you get a fancy battery clip that does nothing.


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